A more practical example (if you are in GMT-2 e.g France):

    TZ=GMT+22 eval lastlogfile=log_'$(date +%Y%m%d)'.log


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Hu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: About ENV?

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Huang. wrote:
> > Why env in cygwin work like these:
> I am sure this is off topic, since all UNIX shells based on Bourne
> shell will behave this way.  This is not specific to Cygwin.
> > $ AAAA=aaa echo $AAAA
> This syntax says: Set variable AAA to aaa in the environment of the
> command "echo $AAA".  However, the command "echo $AAA" will echo the
> value of variable AAA in the current environment, since the expansion
> of variables occurs before the command is executed.
> > $ AAAA=aaa; echo $AAAA
> > aaa
> According to the explanation above, this is expected behavior.
> > $ echo $AAAA
> > aaa
> According to the explanation above, this is expected behavior.
> To do what I think you want to test try the following:
>      AAA=bbb eval 'echo $AAA in' ; echo $AAA out
> or   AAA=bbb sh -c 'echo $AAA in' ; echo $AAA out
> or   (AAA=bbb; echo $AAA in) ; echo $AAA out
> All of these commands involve echoing the value of AAA in an environment
> that is in the inner scope of the environment of the command line.
> -- James
> --
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