On 9/7/2010 12:05 PM, mike marchywka wrote:
this takes a few minutes on old debian machine, taking much longer
here on same data-
about 19k file about 24Gb total size.
Windoze finally has better perf stuff but still no help- one core at
25 pct all kernel
time disk not exactly busy. All the time is in the "ls" loop not the
find command.
Now obbviously I expect the "ls" per file has to make a bunch of OS calls for
each file but still even with cygwin layer seems a bit much.

The problem is that Cygwin has to open all the files to stat when you
use the '-l' flag.  Try without the flag to get the lower bound and see if
that's better for you.  If so, maybe '-s' will suit your purpose.  Or
even 'du'?

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
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