>> Yep - that email (most recently here[1]), along with
>> /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/bash.README, are the definitive sources of all
>> documentation to cygwin-specific patches to bash (of which igncr is one).
>> [1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2010-08/msg00015.html

That read-me file says:

  4c. To affect all scripts, export the environment variable BASH_ENV,
  pointing to a file that sets the shell option as desired.  Bash will
  source this file on startup for every script.

Where that says "every script," does it meant only scripts starting with
"#!/bin/bash" and not scripts starting with "#!/bin/sh"?

(I notice that the BASH_ENV setup does not seem to work for a script that
starts with "#!/bin/sh", even when I also set ENV to the same filename.

That behavior seems to be consistent with bash's documentation (the
manual page) that when it is run as "sh", bash reads a different set of
startup files and environment variables, and for a non-interactive shell
(in "sh" mode) it doesn't read anything (specifically, not $ENV).)

Assuming that the answer to the above question is "yes":  Does that mean
that I probably need to use your SHELLOPTS method (from the paragraph
starting "4d")?


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