On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:51:19AM -0500, Bryan wrote:
>On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 09:43, Reini Urban wrote:
>> 2010/8/28 Bryan:
>>>Is there any chance that the roadmap for cygwin has a commandline
>>>package manager, or to expand the capabilities of setup.exe in the
>>>future?  ??I think I can "find and delete" what I need to until then,
>>>but a package manager type thing would be great...
>>>other than "find and delete", are there any other ways to do what I'm
>>Roadmap is nice :)
>>You can help out with my
>I will give this a try...  many thanks Reini.  I didn't have an issue
>with apt-cyg until I tried to run gcc commands.  It appeared that there
>was some permission issues running postinstall scripts, and it seemed
>to affect the creation of $PATH directories...
>I just need something solid, and will "Just Work".

You could also, of course, consider modifying setup to do what you want
and then contributing that code back to the community.  Then you'd have
something which exactly fit your needs and others would also benefit.


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