On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 07:47:33PM +0200, Reini Urban wrote:
>2010/8/19 Andrew Schulman:
>>> The question is if the maintainers really want that, and cgf and I are
>>> just 2 out of ~60 maintainers, maintaining over 1400 packages. ?From
>>> these ~60 maintainers we have quite a few who either don't reply to any
>>> mail about their package, or who only reply after some nudging.
>> Agreed, but OTOH I'd guess that half of all of the bugs reported on this
>> list are for just two packages: cygwin and setup.exe. ?If the maintainers
>> of those two packages think a bug tracker would be useful, we should make
>> one. ?If they don't, it's probably not worth bothering.
>setup already has a tracker, using the official sourceware bugzilla.
>  http://www.sourceware.org/bugzilla/
>used rarely
>Product cygwin - Component setup.exe
> http://www.sourceware.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?product=cygwin&component=setup.exe
>I have no idea how one can interface bugzilla or any other tracker to
>our package - maintainer list:
>  http://cygwin.com/cygwin-pkg-maint
Just to be clear: The above URL is not intended as a mechanism for
people to send private messages to package maintainers.


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