On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 6:14 PM,  <cy.20.superconduc...@xoxy.net> wrote:
> I was going to mention passwd-grp.sh, but I see there's already a thread for
> that, so I'll move right on to the next one.
> When I run setup.exe I always get an error for the bash.sh postinstall
> script, it seems to be on the line of:
> /bin/test -e /dev/stdin  || ln -s /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin  || result=1
> I'm not so clear as to why this fails. test returns a status of 1 when the
> script is run by the installer, and yet /dev/stdin does exist.
> setup.log.full contains a predictable "ln: creating symbolic link
> `/dev/stdin': File exists".
> If I run the postinstall script manually, test gives a status of 0, stdin is
> left alone and the script runs to the end successfully - it only fails when
> run from inside the installer (2.712) for me. I've tried invoking bash for
> the script using the same switches as those reported in setup.log.full, but
> it still runs fine when done manually.

I saw the exact same results. I didn't mention it in the other thread
because the error didn't occur on manual run.

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