On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 00:39 -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
> The libpng packages offer the standard libraries for manipulating
> PNG files, a turbo-studly lossless image format.  This is a major
> update to the libpng-1.4.x series.
> [[ compiled using gcc-4.3.4-3 ]]
> CHANGES (since 1.2.44-1)
> ========================
> o update to latest official release of libpng-1.4.x
> o ABI change upstream so DLL is now provided by the new
>   libpng14 package.

FYI, package maintainers:

A number of (obsolete) APIs were dropped from 1.4, meaning that a lot of
packages may not build OOTB with libpng14.  Here is a summary of the API
changes in 1.4 to guide you in porting your packages:


Do also note that the Linux distros may also have a patch for their
corresponding package, in which case you can add that to your PATCH_URI.


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