Is there anyway I can get batch-style relative drive paths in Cygwin? An example of what I mean is "%~d0". The reason for is is that I would like to mount folders from a USB, so the drive (the variable I showed does drive) will change everytime I plug the USB in. After abit of playing around I found how to mount folders, but it needs be ran from inside Cygwin via a file ran on start-up or written manually. I am attempting to set the mounts from a batch script or atleast get a variable/function that will find out what drive to use. Below is some examples I've cooked up.

# batch-style
set "mono1=cygpath --type windows "%~d0\mono\""
set "mono2=cygpath --type mixed "%~d0/mono/""
set "mono3=cygpath --type unix "/cygdrive/%~d0/mono/""
mount -o binary '%mono1%' /mnt

# Cygwin-style
mount -o binary "$(cygpath --type windows "%~d0\mono\)" /mnt
mount -o binary "$(cygpath --type mixed "%~d0/mono/)" /mnt
mount -o binary "$(cygpath --type unix /cygdrive/%~d0/mono/)" /mnt

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