On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Brad De Vries wrote:
> After several minutes of downloading, verifying, installing,
> configuring, post-installing, etc. I realized that it installed a lot
> of X and Gnome related packages.  Now I want to remove them all
> because I don't want them.  However, when I re-run setup.exe and try
> to click the various packages to uninstall, it changes other packages
> that I had previously selected to uninstall back to "keep."
> The only option I see that's available to me is to completely
> uninstall cygwin and then re-install the packages I do want.  That
> does not sound fun and I'm hoping someone has a better idea of how to
> remove lots of related packages.

I've also run into this annoyance and I found another workaround you
could try. First, empty the Cygwin package cache on your local
computer. Then run Setup.exe, choosing "Install from local directory".
Then you can click on packages to uninstall them without cycling
through the "Reinstall" option which is what's causing dependent
packages to be reset to "Keep".


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