All releases of xterm newer that 229 (i.e. since June '08) have a broken scrollbar. It never bothered me enough to post a message, but I've been setting up some new systems and have found it annoying to dig up xterm-229 and manually install it.
These images show what the scrollbar used to look like (and what it still looks like in all recent Linux distributions, even with latest xterm builds): The 1st one shows the gray scrollbar "shrinking" as the history buffer gets filled. The 2nd shows the gray scrollbar moving with a middle-button click-n-drag upwards to view history. These images show what the scrollbar looks like, now, in version 260 (and all versions in between 229 and 260): The 1st one shows the gray scrollbar as a constant tiny rectangle always at the top, regardless of how many lines of history there are. The 2nd one shows what happens when you do a middle-button click-n-drag. Seemingly a minor nit, especially since we live in an age of wheel mice, but annoying for those of us accustomed to scrolling the old fashioned way. BTW, here's my ~/.Xdefaults, though even without it the behavior is the same: ! Font XTerm*VT100*font: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ! These affect apps like man XTerm*VT100*highlightSelection: true XTerm*VT100*highlightColorMode: true XTerm*VT100*colorBDMode: on XTerm*VT100*colorBD: green XTerm*VT100*colorULMode: on XTerm*VT100*underLine: on XTerm*VT100*colorUL: yellow ! Pretty colors. XTerm*VT100*dynamicColors: on XTerm*VT100*foreground: white XTerm*VT100*background: black XTerm*VT100*cursorColor: white XTerm*VT100*highlightColor: orange ! I need to scroll XTerm*VT100*scrollBar: true XTerm*VT100*saveLines: 2000 XTerm*VT100*scrollTtyOutput: false XTerm*VT100*scrollKey: true XTerm*VT100*JumpScroll: true ! Run login scripts XTerm*VT100*loginShell: true ! Make use of that big monitor XTerm*VT100*geometry: 110x25 ! Allow backspace to work on wrapped lines XTerm*VT100*reverseWrap: true ! I hate beeping XTerm*VT100*visualBell: true ! This resource specifies whether or not to ignore the alternate screen ! of applications such as vi. When it is on, these applications will restore ! the contents of the screen when they are exited to what they were before ! they were started. When it is off, the contents of vi will remain on the ! screen after the program is quit. XTerm*VT100*titeInhibit: true ! New cygwin xterm includes a toolBar by default. Disable it. XTerm*toolBar: false -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: