Corinna Vinschen schrieb am 29.06.2010 um 10:25 (+0200):
> On Jun 28 22:57, Michael Ludwig wrote:

> Actually, while it's not necessary, it makes sense to keep the entries
> under the "installations" key intact.  They are generated the first
> time a Cygwin DLL is used.  They are useful to find out where Cygwin
> DLLs are (or were) installed on your system.  Including the 64 bit hex
> value which forms the names of the entries, it allows to diagnose
> problems which potentially arise from parallel Cygwin installations.
> If you move your installation to another path, a new entry will be
> generated.

Indeed - I now have two entries under the "Installations" key. To please
the Gods, I restored the first one to the original directory. Thanks!

> > To be complete on this issue and include one detail I omitted from
> > my list: Explorer failed to copy some files (SSH keys), which
> > belonged to the user NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM and could not be read by
> > my admin user, so I had to do the following:
> > 
> >   subinacl /file C:\cygwin\etc\ssh* /setowner=michael
> >   subinacl /file C:\cygwin\etc\ssh*key /grant=michael=R
> That's a fine case for either using Cygwin tools to create the new
> installation tree (cpio, for instance), or to use robocopy with the
> /B option.

Thanks once more - I didn't know about this apparently very useful tool.
Explorer keeps disappointing me by cowardly aborting long-running copy
operations on the first sign of trouble.

Michael Ludwig

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