Hi there,

assume I had a cygwin installation on one computer with the local package 
directory located in c:\mylocalpackage.

Is it possible to copy this directory to a other  computer  and use the -L flag 
(local install) to install a identical copy of my Cygwin installation without  
access to the net ??(because the content of the local package dir constist of 
dirs corresponding to the Cygwin mirrors)

Have fun

Dipl. Phys.
Norbert Zacharias
Wind Measurements & Power Curve Measurements
Ebertstrasse 96
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Tel.:   +49 4421 4808 876

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Email:  n.zachar...@dewi.de
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DEWI GmbH - Deutsches Windenergie-Institut, Wilhelmshaven
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