This must have something to do with Windows 2003. New Windows 2003 server. Installed Cygwin 1.7. If I set up pre-shared key so I can ssh without having to enter my password it fails.
From Windows 2003 -> XP:
2 [main] -bash 7288 C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't 
dynamically determine load address for 'WSAGetLastError' (handle 
0xFFFFFFFF), Win32 error 126
Connection to hcu-g97pnd1 closed.

Similarly, if I try to scp a file from the XP -> Windows 2003:

Seacase:scp hcu-g97pnd1:Perl-* .
3 [main] sshd 8160 C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - could not load ws2_32, Win32 error 126
And while I can ssh with a pre-shared key from XP -> Windows 2003:

Hcu-g97pnd1:ssh seacase



I cannot scp nor ssh with a single command from XP -> Windows 2003:

Hcu-g97pnd1:ssh seacase id
Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
5 [main] sshd 27240 C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - could not load user32, Win32 error 1114
Hcu-g97pnd1:scp /etc/passwd seacase:/tmp
3 [main] sshd 22020 C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - could not load user32, Win32 error 1114
lost connection

I can scp or ssh with a single command from XP -> Windows 2003 if I remove the pre-shared key:
Hcu-g97pnd1:ssh seacase id
lf827...@seacase's password:
Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
uid=2456697(lf827522) gid=70025(unity) groups=70025(unity),544(Administrators),555(Remote Desktop
Hcu-g97pnd1:scp /etc/password seacase:/tmp
lf827...@seacase's password:
/etc/password: No such file or directory
Hcu-g97pnd1:scp /etc/passwd seacase:/tmp
lf827...@seacase's password:
passwd 100% 1760 1.7KB/s 00:00

Similar with Windows 2003 -> XP:

Seacase:ssh hcu-g97pnd1 id
3 [main] sshd 6852 C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - could not load ws2_32, Win32 error 126
Seacase:scp hcu-g97pnd1:/etc/passwd /tmp
5 [main] sshd 6884 C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - could not load ws2_32, Win32 error

And with pre-shared key turned off:

Seacase:ssh hcu-g97pnd1 id
lf827...@hcu-g97pnd1's password:
uid=2456697(lf827522) gid=70025(unity) groups=70025(unity),0(root),544(Administrators),545(Users),1012(SophosUser)
Seacase:scp hcu-g97pnd1:/etc/passwd /tmp
lf827...@hcu-g97pnd1's password:
passwd 100% 1760 1.7KB/s 00:00

To summarize with pre-shared key I can only ssh with no command from XP -> Windows 2003. All other things fail like ssh with a command or scp. Without a pre-shared key, everything works.
Is there any way to get pre-shared key to work. Note here I’m not even 
addressing the known issue of mounted file systems and pre-shared key.
Andrew DeFaria <>
A fool-proof method for sculpting an elephant: First, get a huge block of marble; then chip away everything that doesn't look like an elephant.

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