On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jason Pyeron <jpye...@pdinc.us> wrote:
> First off, I do not know if we will ever finish this attempt, but we will 
> start
> and try.
> We would like to compile cygwin for 64 bit native operation. Our office is
> switching to all 64 bit systems.
> Reading:
> http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.programming.html#faq.programming.building-cygwin
> Could someone confirm that the gcc, make, perl, and cocom should be be cygwin
> (32 bit) versions or should they be "windows" versions?
> Also should I move this to the cygwin-developers list?
> The fun will start 7-June-2010, wish us luck.

You know about http://mingw-w64.sf.net/ right?  I sure hope so.  If
not, please ask me :)

What is your end goal?  Porting cygwin to win64 is a huge task, and it
might not be necessary.  We can already cross compile from cygwin32 to
native win64 on a win64 system.  Is that all you need?

If you really are going to port cygwin, you should start by porting
all the dependencies.

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