Can I use cygwin to test whether a bash script is correct and therefore whether it will function on the eventual real target "unix" production platform ? E.g. (see below), I've got a configuration file and a shell script (that's referencing the configuration file). Will I be able to execute the script in cygwin on WinXP without having to change the filepath of the X_DIR variable ? That is will I be able to use cygwin on winxp to fully test the script so that I'm sure it will run without any problems on the eventual real target unix platform ?
Thanks EDH myconf.conf file: X_DIR=/export/opt/SUNWappserver8/domains/x-batchv X_LOG=$X_DIR/logs/x/batchflows/batchscripts.log file: #!/bin/bash CONFIG_FILE=`dirname $0`/myconf.conf . $CONFIG_FILE function add_log_entry { if [ ! -d "`dirname $X_LOG`" ] then echo "`dirname $X_LOG` does not exist, it will be created" mkdir -p "`dirname $X_LOG`" fi pre="`date` :" echo "$pre $1" >> $X_LOG echo "$pre $1" } -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: