I recently needed to do a total re-install of cygwin [ totalled one 
partition ].  Took forever to get through the download stage because I 
kept getting some network problems, but it finally got to the post-install.

During the post-install I observed several failures of the usual 
fork-resource type.  However, they fly past too quickly to capture any 
useful information.  In the postinstall directory, all the scripts seem 
to have been renamed x.sh.done; so I guess they didn't totally crash the 
setup.  But I can't determine now which ones might have had problems.

Would it be a big deal to have the various setup scripts send their 
output to, say, /var/log/setup/SCRIPTNAME.log?

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace I am a Christian man, by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a 
Pilgrim; R. M. French, tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software.

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