UNC paths are not working with cygstart in my Cygwin 1.7 installation.
They haven't ever worked in 1.7 for me, but I just updated today, and I
noticed they still aren't working.

The symptoms:

$ cygstart //rupert/share/public

This is supposed to invoke the shell association for folders, which is
normally Windows Explorer. However, I get this error message instead:

Open Folder
\\rupert\share\rupert\share\public refers to a location that is
unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer, or on a
network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that
you are connected to the Internet or your network, and then try again.
If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to
a different location.

If I try to start the share itself, as opposed to a folder under the

$ cygstart //rupert/share
Unable to start '\\?\UNC\rupert\share': The specified path was not

There are similar problems with cygstart used with executables:

$ cygstart autoruns
Unable to start 'C:\cygwin\home\barrkel\autoruns': The specified file
was not found.

Autoruns.exe, the SysInternals utility, is on my path, and is marked
executable, and is compatibly findable without the exe suffix:

$ ls -l $(which autoruns)
-rwx------+ 1 Administrators None 654K 2009-10-13 10:20

Instead, I need to use this verbose thing:

$ cygstart $(which autoruns)

-- Barry


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