2010/5/20 Huang Bambo <bambo.hu...@gmail.com>:
>> Huang,
>> you - as the person who first saw and documented the problem in public
>> (thank you!) - are in the best position to test it, if you can recreate the
>> original situation (with the GBK(?) directory names).
>> It would be beneficial to all of us, and you would be doing everybody a
>> favour (if you wish, which is your choice), if you could test if the problem
>> reproduces with Cygwin 1.7.5, and goes away with the snapshot.
> fork() now work well but find new problem after use the 0518 patch.
> Usually I use mintty to as the default term tool. After use this patch, I 
> can't
> directly use mintty to open the first shell( like nothing happened), I
> must use Cygwin.bat to create
> a fist shell, then use short cut of mintty in the start menu to open others.
> I'll find out why if I have time.

terminate while calling forkpty().

> Thak you.
> Best

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