On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Christopher Faylor
<cgf-use-the-mailinglist-ple...@cygwin.com> wrote:

> So far, I have not really cared for either of the proposed redesigns.  I
> don't think a mascot is necessary on the web site and I think that, as
> messy as the current cygwin web site may be, there will be only a very
> minor benefit to any redesign which just changes the layout.  When I
> look at most of the popular free software projects out there they seem
> to be getting by on pretty simple layouts.
> That said, however, I have done some work on cleaning up the web site.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.  It's definitely appreciated.
Maybe these should be split off into two threads. but there are two
separate but related proposals involved:

A. Website - Brent Kerr's Proposal

I look forward to the cleaned-up design you're working on.  I think we
have to agree to disagree about the benefits of changing just the
layout.  There really are generally accepted standards by which this
[1] looks better than this [2]. They involve things like alignment,
white space, and typography.
Note that a "pretty simple layout" can look great (and Brent's design
doesn't strike me as particularly complex).  Bit it should be a simple
layout that looks good.

B. New Logo - Berthold Barth's Offer

Does the rejection apply to an updated logo, too?


[1] http://cygwin.codecamel.com/
[2] http://www.cygwin.com/

David Eisner     http://cradle.brokenglass.com

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