
As I see in source of dlfcn.cc, dlopen() should override LoadLibrary's 
automatic adding of a ".dll" suffix,
but it's behaving strangely

I have such files: 
/home/me/project/subdir/lib3 (without .dll)

My current directory is /home/me/project/

I try to use dlopen() in myexe.exe with relative path:

1) dlopen("subdir/lib2") - NOT FOUND (If this OK, then why failed 
2) dlopen("subdir/lib3") - NOT FOUND (why?)
3) dlopen("subdir/lib2.dll") - SUCCESS (works fine)
4) dlopen("lib1") - SUCCESS (why it didn't override LoadLibrary's adding ".dll" 
5) dlopen("lib1.dll") - SUCCESS 

Are the cases 1, 2 and 4 bugs?
With old Cygwin release (~year ago) using dlopen("subdir/lib2") worked fine

Best regards,
Mansur Mamkin

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