On Apr 21 21:20, Reini Urban wrote:
> Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes schrieb:
> >On Thu, July 26, 2007 5:19 am, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>On Jul 26 22:09, Sisyphus wrote:
> >>>I'd like to have a perl on Cygwin built with -Duselongdouble, so I tried
> >
> >>>*** You requested the use of long doubles but you do not seem to have
> >>>*** the following mathematical functions needed for long double support:
> >>>  ***     sqrtl modfl frexpl
> >>
> >>Long double functions are not supported by newlib so far.  There are a
> >>couple of C99 functions not available in newlib.  Volunteers implementing
> >>these functions in a license compatible way (BSD, not GPL) in newlib are
> >>always welcome.
> >
> >Note that changing perl to use long doubles is a binary incompatible change.
> >So if anyone is going to jump on this, it would be nice to have it happen
> >before the already incompatible 5.10 is out Septemberish.
> >
> >modfl isn't strictly necessary; perl will substitute aintl (a solaris
> >flavor of truncl) + copysignl.
> >And ilogbl + scalbnl can be used to emulate frexpl.
> I think I'll bite the bullet for the upcoming perl-5.12.0, for which
> I already have an API change (-Uusemymalloc) so adding
> -Duselongdouble can be easily added.
> I dissected long doubles for my parrot pbc_compat work last year so
> I believe I can do modfl and frexpl without looking at GPL infected
> code.
> http://code.google.com/p/cygwin-rurban/source/browse/trunk/release/parrot/patches/r36819-tt308-more-pf_items.patch
> sqrtl is trivial in intel assembler:
> long double sqrtl(long double ld) {
>   long double _result;
>   asm ("fsqrt" : "=t" (_result) : "0"(ld));
>   return _result;
> }

Adding real long double support to newlib would be extremly cool.
If you look into http://cygwin.com/cygwin-api/std-notimpl.html you'll
notice that the majority of the unimplemented functions are math
functions, and most of them are the long double and the complex number


> These questions are for newlib later:
> Can I keep such a newlib code to 12-byte intel long doubles or must
> I add 16-byte long double support also?
> Our gcc has -m128bit-long-double and the bastard -m96bit-long-double.

It's ok to add 12 byte intel only for now.  It's much better than no
long double at all.

> Does newlib needs papers?

No.  Just add a liberal copyright notice to all your files, 2-clause BSD
or similar is fine.

> I see a comment about --enable-newlib-hw-fp in
> /usr/include/machine/ieeefp.h
> I have no idea what this should be. Is there some hidden prior art?

No idea, sorry.  Better ask on the newlib list.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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