On 4/21/2010 9:24 AM, Dave Korn wrote:
On 21/04/2010 13:35, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 4/21/2010 5:59 AM, Yuval Emek wrote:
This is very strange mainly because I don't have (and I never had) a
D:\ partition on my laptop. (How did you extract this info from my
cygcheck output btw?)
See the following from your cygcheck output:
Cygwin installations found in the registry:
System: Key: 1720b01b097bf4fc Path: D:\cygwin
System: Key: a85864f90c1fe956 Path: D:\cygwin-old
That's not from the posted cygcheck, you must be looking at someone
else's by mistake. A quick google for the two UIDs suggests it comes
from a post by Eugen Zalinescu back on 05/03/2010.
Not sure why but probably true. I guess we can file this one under the
heading of "Advice based on faulty data solves problem". ;-)
Larry Hall http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
A: Yes.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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