On Apr 12 10:06, starli...@binnacle.cx wrote:
> Hello,
> When
>    mkgroup -lu
> is run on a current (as of today) install of CYGWIN 1.7.4,
> it returns the error
>    mkgroup (376): [1722] The RPC server is unavailable.
> Running any of
>    mkgroup -l -u
>    mkgroup -u -l
>    mkgroup -ul
> does not result in an error message, but also does not include 
> member user IDs in the output:
>    Administrators:S-1-5-32-544:544:
>    Users:S-1-5-32-545:545:
> If 'mkgroup' from CYGWIN 1.5.25 is run under 1.7.4, correct output is 
> produced with all combinations of the -l and -u parameters:
>    Administrators:S-1-5-32-544:544:Administrator,cyg_server
>    Users:S-1-5-32-545:545:testuser,sshd,cyg_server
> The 'mkgroup' 1.7.4 behavior appears to be a bug or defect.

No, it's not.  -l is an option with an optional argument.  If it's
followed by other characters like in `-lu', it tries to access the
server called "u".  Same for `-l u'.


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