On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 11:57:02AM -0600, Durwin De La Rue wrote:
> First, I am using latest version of cygwin.  I normally use rxvt.  But  
> after having this issue with it, and finding information that mintty  
> does not have the issue, I started using mintty.  My first attempt to  
> fix the issue in rxvt was successful (export LANG=C).  However, at some  
> point it failed.  LANG is the same, but I again was getting special  
> characters where a hyphen (and quotes and other punctuation)  is suppose  
> to be.  

I had this issue starting on the day that I upgraded from cygwin 1.5
to cygwin 1.7.

I use a pager called "most" that is not part of the cygwin
distribution. I recompiled "most" from latest tarballs using cygwin
toolchain (make, gcc, and so forth). This fixed the problem for me.

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