On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> Gary:
>> Is it possible to change the colour scheme when connecting to a remote
>> system, to remind me where I am actually "running"?
> Yes. There are control sequences for changing the colours

> For example, to set the background
> colour to dark red:
> echo $'\e]12;64,0,0\a'

Err. Well that set my block cursor to dark red, but anyway, yeah, I
get the idea. I will read the xterm doc you linked to and "play
around". Oh. Is it because
$ echo $TERM

(Oh God. I just looked at the document you linked to. I'm not sure
which is denser, me or it! Anyway, I will read and see what I can make
of it.)

Incidentally, do you prefer mintty related subjects here or in
mintty-discuss? Both seem appropriate.

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