On 4/6/2010 9:22 AM, Václav Haisman wrote:
> There is no such thing (AFAIK) as "Cygwin ftp client."

As reported downthread, this is untrue. The inetutils package contains a
bare-bones ftp client (and server). Eventually I plan to provide these
as separate packages ("ftp"/"ftp-server" packages).  They'll still be
pretty bare-bones, tho, compared to other clients.

> You are most likely
> running the Windows FTP client from WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 directory.

No, probably not.

> Install
> lftp or other FTP client using setup.exe.

...which is good advice.  The other clients MAY support UTF-8 or some
other explicit i18n/NLS, but the inetutils bare-bones ftp client
doesn't, and won't.


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