On 03/04/2010 12:08, wefwef wefwef wrote:
> I have downloaded the cygwin with all the defaults, plus a few extra
> packages to a local directory, then copied this to another machine and
> installed. - (Thanks to those who helped to get a minimal install, it
> is now 80 MB)
> I am getting the error message: cygintl-8.dll was not found, when I
> click on the cygwin icon on the desktop.
> I have looked for this on the forums, and it seems to be quite a
> common occurrence, 
  It used to be more common a couple of years ago, when there were some
packages with buggy dependency lists, but we thought we'd fixed all those.  In
particular, bash itself requires libintl8 and the current setup.ini file
correctly reflects this dependency, so it really should not have happened.

  Can you describe the *exact* steps to reproduce this problem, i.e.
everything you clicked or typed and the state of any settings, starting with
downloading setup.exe and running it?


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