> -----Original Message-----
> From: wefwef wefwef
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 10:56
> Subject: Re: minimal installation
> What are you saying Jason, that a default installation plus 
> the packages mentioned is 27MB ? I'm asking, because it's not 

Over the wire, extracted about 90MB

> really clear from your mail.
> Yesterday I ran the installer and downloaded the defaults 
> only - which came to 501 MB.
> Is it possible that the installer is getting confused by my 
> existing cygwin installation?


> I want to keep that installation, I use it for work - I am 
> trying to create a seperate minimal installation for 
> diffrerent machines.
> --
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-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
- Principal Consultant              10 West 24th Street #100    -
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333            Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
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