We hit a problem in a code, and narrowed it down to a test case that does :
while (cnt) { f=fopen(host_file, "a+"); if (!f) perror("dup_host_file: Could not open hostfile"); /* rewind(f); */ while (cnt) { int ret=fscanf(f, "%s", line); if (ret != EOF) { fprintf(f, "%s\n", line); cnt--; dup++; } } fclose(f); In earlier versions of cygwin we have, this works fine, however in the recently installed versions, it no longer works. It seems that fopen(host_file, "a+") is NOT positioning the read position at the start of the file as it should. Adding an explicit rewind(f) is a work around. Gavin cygcheck output attached.
Description: cygcheck.out
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