Kevin Layer wrote:
> Brian L. wrote:
>>> It's clearly affecting more than a few users and the workaround, while
>>> reliable, is quite lame. Can this please get a little bit more
>>> priority?
> and another month goes by...
> If there is work going on behind the scenes, it would be nice to hear
> from the developer(s) working on it.
> If it is not being worked on... I agree with Brian.  This is a serious
> impediment to using Cygwin 1.7.  I would think it would be of top
> priority.

Only people who experience the problem can diagnose, debug, and fix it.
git works fine for me under cygwin-1.7.1 (Vista, NTFS), so...

Has the cygwin git maintainer been able to verify/reproduce the error?
If not, then there's no way he can help you.


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