Having the "cp: skipping file 'file.txt', as it was replaced while being
copied"  issue on 64Bit Windows7 and Windows Server 2008 systems.  

Does not happen on 32bit Windows XP systems with same version of Cygwin
(1.7.1-1) and the same network storage. 

Also does not happen on all network storage - currently only on a Sun
Storage 7110 NAS , though I haven't tested against all of our shares

Failing system Example:  uname -a "CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 HOSTNAME
1.7.1(0.218/5/3) 2009-12-07 11:40 i686 Cygwin"

Cygcheck -s output and getvolinvo output attached.      Getvolinfo
output is identical on XP system (I suppose it should be really) - I can
provide cygcheck output for working XP system as well if required. 

ls -i output shows large inode numbers which change with each iteration
- I saw that referenced as a symptom of this issue previously:

$ls -i
18446735965229994000 cygcheck-xp.out
18446735964874083072 cygcheck.out
18446735964868092096 getVolInfo.exe
18446735964970729488 getvolinfo-xp.out
18446735964953491456 getvolinfo.out
18446735964949633792 ls-out1
18446735965186154512 strace.txt
18446735965126296976 test
18446735965180231696 test1
18446735964875930384 test

$ls -i
18446735964875084080 cygcheck-xp.out
18446735964874083072 cygcheck.out
18446735965130095024 getVolInfo.exe
18446735964867775216 getvolinfo-xp.out
18446735965186154512 getvolinfo.out
18446735964860514320 ls-out1
18446735964889358352 ls-out2
18446735965148000272 strace.txt
18446735964964163600 test
18446735964875930384 test1
18446735965043877936 test

Let me know if I can provide any additional info..

Anthony R. Papineau | Systems Administrator
Algorithmics | Toronto, Canada

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Attachment: getvolinfo.out
Description: getvolinfo.out

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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