On 3/2/2010 9:55 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar  2 09:16, David Rothenberger wrote:
>> On 3/2/2010 3:58 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> The .exe suffix is added if all of the below is true:
>>> - The file is renamed via the rename(2) function.
>>> - The name does not only change by case on a caseinsensitive mount.
>>> - The file is a binary checked with the Win32 function GetBinaryType,
>>>   and the returned type is SCS_32BIT_BINARY or SCS_64BIT_BINARY.
>>> - The source filename has none of the following suffixes:
>>>     .com
>>>     .dll
>>>     .exe
>>>     .scr
>>>     .sys
>>> - The destination filename has none of the aforementioned suffixes.
>> All these conditions are true in the svn test case. svn is renaming
>> tst/tempfile.tmp to tst/notepad.xxx using libapr1, which is using
>> rename(2).
>> It does seem that the ACLs on the directory and file play a role,
>> too. I've attached a reproduction script along with a simple
>> rename(2) driver program. The script explicitly removes the default
>> group ACLs from a directory before doing a rename(2) in that
>> directory. In that case, no .exe suffix is added. If you modify the
>> top of the script to set "SETACLS=set", it will add default group
>> ACLs of rwx and the .exe suffix is added.
>> I'm not sure if this points to a bug in Cygwin or not. It does
>> explain why Alan and I were seeing different behavior.
> The rename(2) function does not check at all for the ACL.  The weird
> outcome must have something to do with the way the GetBinaryType
> function works.

Yeah, that's what I guessed.

> I don't understand what the default permissions of the parent dir
> have to do with that, though.

I did notice that if I copied notepad.exe (the exe I was using for the
test), the default permissions had no effect. If I did "cat notepad.exe
> tempfile.tmp", though, it did. Maybe some kind of inheritance?

Anyway, is there a way to rename a file without triggering the .exe
suffix addition? If there is, do you think it would be a good idea for
libapr1 to use that instead of just calling rename(2)?

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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        When people you greatly admire appear to be thinking deep
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