
I am having trouble as described below. Is there a way I can prevent this or is 
it a bug? Thanks.

My problem:
A windows exe file is checked into a svn repository and the file name does not 
end in .exe. On checkout .exe is appended to the file name even though 
subversion output shows the expected file name.

Example test with Cygwin output (hypertrm.xxx is a exe file renamed for the 
test case below):

802593...@btg245549 /cygdrive/c/svn-test-exe 
$ svn list file:///C:/svn-test-repo 
Text Document.xxx 

802593...@btg245549 /cygdrive/c/svn-test-exe 
$ svn co file:///C:/svn-test-repo direxe 
A direxe/hypertrm.xxx 
A direxe/Text Document.xxx 
Checked out revision 2. 

802593...@btg245549 /cygdrive/c/svn-test-exe 
$ ls direxe 
Text Document.xxx hypertrm.xxx.exe 


cygcheck.out is attached.

Thanks in advance,

Alan Burn

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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