Apologies for repeating my message - the Cygwin list would only let me sign
up using my googlemail account - then googlemail caught your response in a
delete filter :-(

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:41 PM, Gary <cyg...@garydjones.name> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 09:12:00AM -0500, Thomas Baker wrote:
>> The problem is that since the upgrade to Cygwin 1.7, the fetchmail
>> on my _desktop_ computer no longer passes the incoming messages to the
>> MDA procmail.  Each incoming message, retrieved with POP3, is saved
>> undelivered as an individual file in /var/spool/mail/tbaker, e.g.:
>>       /var/spool/mail/tbaker/msg.AdZ
>>       /var/spool/mail/tbaker/msg.IdE ...
>> On the ASUS netbook, the procmail.log confirms delivery of the messages.
>> On the desktop machine, the procmail.log is not written
>> to at all, which I take to mean that procmail is not even being executed.
> What does the fetchmail log say? "fetchmail: MDA open failed"?

The fetchmail simply reports that each message is "flushed".  The log
entries in this regard are identical on both machines.  The log makes
no reference in either case to MDA, even though on the netbook the
MDA is correctly invoked.  The fetchmail man page does not say whether
MDA execution is logged, or whether there are more verbose forms of
logging that might catch this.  It simply says the message was "flushed".

>> These are single-user machines, so I have administrative privileges
> You're crazy :-)

Hmm, seriously?


Tom Baker <tba...@tbaker.de>

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