On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 07:56:47PM -0700, Eric Blake wrote:
>According to Javier on 2/10/2010 3:29 PM:
>> select() call with specified timeout in argument 5 is not altered on return 
>> when time is up.
>> on windows code below returns: should be 0.0 but we have: 5.0
>> on linux code below returns: should be 0.0 but we have: 0.0
>For Linux compatibility, it would be nice to alter the argument.  But
>POSIX is clear that the current cygwin behavior of leaving the argument
>unchanged is also compliant.

I believe actually made a conscious decision not to alter the arguments when
I first wrote select().  However, times have changed so it probably makes
sense to alter it to be more linux-like now.

I'll look into doing that.


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