On Thu, 4 Feb 2010 19:55:36 Maarten Vanneste wrote:
> Dear all,
> I was wondering whether there is a cygwin tool/program which converts
> microsoft excel files to text. Any suggestions ?

I use xlhtml, source at:  http://chicago.sourceforge.net/xlhtml/

I applied the following patch:

diff -c ~/xlhtml-0.5/xlhtml/xlhtml.h-org ~/xlhtml-0.5/xlhtml/xlhtml.h
*** ~/xlhtml-0.5/xlhtml/xlhtml.h-org    Thu Apr 11 03:23:51 2002
--- ~/xlhtml-0.5/xlhtml/xlhtml.h        Thu Dec 24 18:16:51 2009
*** 20,28 ****
  #include "version.h"

  /* Used by packed string array Opcode: 0xFC */
! #define HARD_MAX_ROWS_97      0x7FFE    /*!< Used in add_wb_array to prevent 
OOM */
! #define HARD_MAX_ROWS_95      0x3FFF    /*!< Used in add_wb_array to prevent 
OOM */
! #define HARD_MAX_COLS         256           /*!< Used in add_wb_array to 
prevent OOM */

  static U16 HARD_MAX_ROWS = HARD_MAX_ROWS_97;
--- 20,28 ----
  #include "version.h"

  /* Used by packed string array Opcode: 0xFC */
! #define HARD_MAX_ROWS_97      0x0FFFF   /*!< Used in add_wb_array to prevent 
OOM */
! #define HARD_MAX_ROWS_95      0x07FFF   /*!< Used in add_wb_array to prevent 
OOM */
! #define HARD_MAX_COLS         256       /*!< Used in add_wb_array to prevent 
OOM */

  static U16 HARD_MAX_ROWS = HARD_MAX_ROWS_97;
*** 57,63 ****
        U16 type;       /*!< This will record the record type that generated 
the cell */
        U16 spanned;            /*!< If 1 don't output */
        uni_string ustr;        /*!< The cell's displayed contents */
!       U16 rowspan;            /*!< rows to span */
        U16 colspan;            /*!< columns to span */
        uni_string h_link;      /*!< If a hyperlinked cell, this is the link*/
--- 57,63 ----
        U16 type;       /*!< This will record the record type that generated 
the cell */
        U16 spanned;            /*!< If 1 don't output */
        uni_string ustr;        /*!< The cell's displayed contents */
!       U32 rowspan;            /*!< rows to span */
        U16 colspan;            /*!< columns to span */
        uni_string h_link;      /*!< If a hyperlinked cell, this is the link*/

I did it on GNU/Linux but I think it'll work well on Cygwin.

It worked for several years in our company without the patch, but
lately we started receiving Excel files with 65535 lines in one sheet,
so I had to change the hard coded line limit.


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