Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On 10/01/2010 21:37, Dave Korn wrote:
>> BTW I'm going to ship AWT with the next GCJ, if that's of any interest to
>>  anyone. It builds and appears to be passing the mauve testsuite, so 
>> that's probably worth chucking over the wall and letting people start
>> playing with.
> Good idea, but a heads-up; with Classpath, I found that a patch was
> necessary to fix Awt fonts, and Swing which uses them extensively:
> http://cygwin-ports.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cygwin-ports/ports/trunk/java/classpath/0.98-awt.patch

  Thanks!  I see it's mostly renaming font paths.  Hmm, could we do that by
supplying a package full of symlinks at the paths classpath expects, rather
than altering the sources?  Also, what's the isLogicalFontName change for?

> BTW, gjavah and the other tools are going to work in the next release,
> right?

  I have to admit the only answer to that is "it depends".  The locale problem
has gone away in 4.5, to be replaced by a crash... :-(

> Attached.

  Ta, I'll work them into the next release.

>> Argh, and thank you for pointing that out. It appears that I lost all the
>> x perms on all the scripts in my last build, probably caused by my using 
>> win32 editors (followed by d2u) when adjusting them. I've spotted that
>> and fixed it manually a few times but I'd better script it to avoid
>> future accidents; it'd be an easy thing to add to the cygport.
> Append their basenames to SRC_URI and dobin in src_install.



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