> On 01/02/2010 12:24 PM, Durwin wrote:
> > I have just received an Alienware laptop with Windows7.  I downloaded
> > and ran the current setup from website.  The install process will stop
> > at various stages, not always the same place.  By stop, I mean it looks
> > as if it is working, but it never proceeds past that point.  I believe
> > it does all the install stages, but will stop at different places after
> > the install.
> >
> > A few times the install completed.  When testing those times, I would
> > run bash from Windows command line (just as the .bat file does).  Once I
> > got some memory error I can't recall.  The rest of the times I get the
> > Cygwin console opening, but goes away imediately without every
> > displaying a prompt.  All through this, not one error message.
> In this case, you want to start a Windows command prompt and run
> c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat from there.  This will keep the command prompt
> window open so you can see any complaint.

I had performed this.  I started cmd and cd'ed to c:\cygwin.  I ran the
cygwin.bat and also manually entered bash.exe --login -i as in the bat
file.  Under this circumstance, I get nothing.  No window, no error.  It
simply returns a new prompt.  When I run the shortcut the installation
created, I do get a Cygwin window, but this is the one which disapears
never showing a prompt.  The shortcut is configured to run as
administrator.  Path was added pointing to c:\cygwin\bin.

This last install I tried, I deleted the cygwin directory as well as the
download.  I also selected a different site.  And I accepted the default
packages (I did not choose any more to install).  This install completed
without a problem, but still gives me the same problem (no cygwin
> > My search on this issue showed a few people with simular problem.  One
> > had same issue with command line window opening and closing but was using
> > 1.5 and their problem went away when they used 1.7.  I suspect the
> > problem is the install (even though it completed install a few times).
> > I ran msconfig and removed all none Microsoft processes but still could
> > not get the install to complete.
> Look at /var/log/setup.log.full for any complaints.  My WAG is
> <http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#BLODA>.
> -- 
> Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
> RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746
> _____________________________________________________________________
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>  > Q: Are you sure?
>  >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>  >>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
> --
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reality.sys corrupted. universe halted. reboot (y/n)?

Durwin F. De La Rue <theca...@nmia.com>

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