On 12/27/2009 5:31 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 12/27/2009 3:42 PM, Charles Wilson wrote:
Ken Brown wrote:
On 12/27/2009 4:56 AM, Charles Wilson wrote:
So, give r20 a shot. (mintty is still invisible -- but at least run2
doesn't appear to segfault).

I'm still getting a segfault with test1.xml from


Yep. Try r23. It seems to work ok for me.

I still get a segfault with r23. I'm running XP SP3 if that's relevant.

I also now get a segfault with the following simpler xml file, which I've been using for a long time for starting emacs under X:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
  <SelfOptions />
      <Set var="DISPLAY"  value=""/>
    <Target filename="/usr/bin/bash.exe" startin="~">


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