2009/12/24 Linda Walsh:
>        It appears several files are missing.
> I have no mkpasswd or group, no mount.  Don't know what else is missing.
> I do have 'sed', but it might have been there from before (I didn't
> reinstall
> it).
> I've done a cygcheck -c to see if any packages had missing files.
> cygwin-doc and gcc4-<something> -- I reinstalled them but it changed
> nothing.
> I didn't really expect it to, since package 'cygwin' is supposed to contain
> mkpasswd, and it was listed as complete.

Did you get a message complaining about a Cygwin process still running
during the install? There does appear to be an issue with setup not
resuming correctly after that.

To fix this, do a reinstall of the 'cygwin' package, after first
making sure that no Cygewin processes are running anymore, including
any services.


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