Just a note which I hope is related.

vim was having problems with one of its files in ~.  In Windows Explorer I 
copied the entire /home folder (d:\path\home) from 1.5 to c:\cygwin\home, 
thereby overwriting it.  Then I used Explorer again to remove any read-only 
attributes.  That seemed to solve the problem.  (But maybe something else fixed 
it.)  It might solve others.

I had the impression that some things in ~ were no longer there, but I did not 
check carefully.  That things would disappear during the upgrade was certainly 
unexpected and remains hard to believe.

I apologize in advance if the above is totally off-the-wall, misleading, the 
result of faulty memory or intellect, bad advice, etc.

I also apologize for top-posting.  The switch from ash to dash seems to have 
broken some scripts (or is it something with $CYGWIN?), including my quote-fix 
script.  (bash is also not behaving identically.)

Happy Holidays.

- Barry
  Disclaimer: Statements made herein are not made on behalf of NIAID.

-----Original Message-----
From: Myron Flickner; Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 2:56 AM

It appears that bash not finding the home directory is caused by a missing 
/etc/profile.   I copied over this file from a 1.5 system and now bash finds my 
profile  and .bashrc.   

Is this a bug or by design ? 

 imaging away / flick

----- Original Message ----

Sorry for the crappy formatting on my first post - this should be easier to 

I just upgraded my first XP Pro machine from 1.5 to 1.7 - a couple of minor 

Part of the post-install failed with many popup dialogs  - "The procedure entry 
point __ctype_ptr__ could not be located in the dynamic link library 

After a reboot bash wouldn't start  - same error message.  Reinstalling the 
base package cleared this issue up. 

Cygwin.bat doesn't find my home directory (which is a sym link) rathe it prints 
a message telling me that there
 isn't a ./.bashrc in /usr/bin.   Looks like Cygwin.bat is identical between 
1.5 and 1.7 but the behavior is 
different.    I thought this might be related to the mount point changes - but 
running copy-user-registry-fstab
 didn't change anything.    I did notice that this script uses $USER  which 
isn't set for me.   I set it and re-ran the
 script but I don't see any difference.    I never did see a /etc/fstab.d/$USER 
directory - but I don't have user 
mount points on this machine.  I also created a none sym link home directory 
but that didn't help either.

Are other folks seeing this behavior ?   Any suggestions ?

imaging away / flick

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