Jason Pyeron wrote:

Could you move the dialog, I would like to see which part of the setup it is in.


I think i've gotten past it.  I found and renamed the infrarecorder installed
C:\Program Files\InfraRecorder\cdrtools cygwin1.dll and the cygwin /bin/cygwin1.dll. Re-ran setup marked to reinstall cygwin and it installed an updated cygwin1.dll.

$ ls -rlt cygwin1*
-rwx--x---  1 Administrator None  1800981 2005-09-12 23:25 cygwin1-20050912.dll
-rwxr-x---  1 Administrator None  1295582 2005-09-12 23:27 cygwin1.dll.orig
-rwxr-x---+ 1 Administrator Users 1872884 2008-06-12 13:35 cygwin11.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 Administrator root  2477372 2009-12-07 05:51 cygwin1.dll

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