2009/12/23 Lee Rothstein:
> Chris,
> Thanks for the reference. As I mentioned, it wasn't retrievable via Google.
> Strange.
> As you had stated earlier, the key to solving the problem is to reference:
>  --icon=c:\_0\cygicons-hippo-vista-0.dll,10 in the shortcut

Hippo hippo hurray!

> Note to everyone, including Andy, the ICO file worked until Mintty v0.5.4.
> And, all my other ICO files seem to work with Mintty v0.5.5, including an
> earlier one, I had gerri-rigged.

Strange. I wonder what's different about the hippo. I might have a
look at implementing a fallback from 0.5.5's ExtractIcon call to
0.5.4's LoadImage.


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