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According to David Antliff on 12/13/2009 9:46 PM:
> For the record, core.autocrlf=true on Cygwin is an absolute PITA  ;)

I personally haven't ever taken time to notice whether that is the
upstream default (if so, it is wrong, IMNSHO), because I have always
manually overridden it to core.autocrlf=false.  I have a binary mount
point because I _want_ binary reproducability, not because I want the DVCS
to munge newlines behind my back.  So if this is indeed the default, then
we should bug the upstream git list to fix their broken behavior, and I
will work on looking into changing the default for the next time I package
git for cygwin.

> Hmm, actually, maybe you can help me work out why a file with trailing
> whitespace on the end of one or more lines causes cygwin's git to flag
> the file as locally modified when the file hasn't been touched at all.
> A 'git diff' shows the entire file as being different, due to the line
> endings switching over. Most annoying. I can write more if you're
> interested and want to hear about it :)

The upstream git list may be a better list to complain at, since they are
the folks that implemented whitespace munging in the first place.

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             e...@byu.net
volunteer cygwin git maintainer
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