On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 03:27:07PM -0800, aputerguy wrote:
>Running grep on a 20MB file with ~100,000 matches takes an incredible almost
>8 minutes under Cygwin 1.7 while taking just 0.2 seconds under Cygwin 1.5
>(on a 2nd machine).
>The following cases show how grep under 1.7 grinds to a halt as the number
>of matches increases.
>The data 'testfile' is a plain text file of the acl's of all the 108,000
>files on my Windoze computer.
>Note since the machines are different, compare relative times across cases
>rather than the times between the two machines.
We'll need an actual test case if you want us to track it down.


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