On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 4:51 PM, cuicui wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to store some long strings in a bash variable, I'd like to know if 
> there's a limit in length (last version of bash/cygwin 1.5).
> At the moment the string is 3.185 chars long. It's a temporary situation 
> until I figure something better out.

There is no limit in bash or Cygwin, as far as I know (just
successfully tested up to 13,598,720 bytes in 1.7).   However, if you
export the variable to the environment and expect it to be visible to
a Windows program using GetEnvironmentVariable(), then there is (or at
least used to be) a hard length limit of 32,766 characters (32,767
including the trailing NUL).

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