Hello all,

I've tried to solve my problem online and in the mailing list archives, but I've had no joy.

I'm working on a makefile for an application. Everything runs fine if I just run the make in a single job. However if I use the gmake -j<N> to run multiple concurrent jobs I get unexpected errors from my scripts. Specifically it seems that /usr/bin/sh becomes randomly unavailable.

Here's the (sort | uniq) error output from the make with N=3: And again, everything's ok with N=1.

/cygdrive/j/12.1.dss/svn/apl/win/bin/mk_cc: /cygdrive/j/12.1.dss/svn/apl/allos/bin/verbose: /usr/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied /cygdrive/j/12.1.dss/svn/apl/win/bin/mk_cc: /cygdrive/j/12.1.dss/svn/apl/win/bin/mk_depend: /usr/bin/sh.exe: bad interpreter: Permission denied /usr/bin/sh: /cygdrive/j/12.1.dss/svn/apl/allos/bin/verbose: Permission denied /usr/bin/sh: /cygdrive/j/12.1.dss/svn/apl/win/bin/mk_depend: Permission denied

I'm currently getting this on both a Windows 7 (x64) machine and an XP (x86) machine.

Any ideas anyone?


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