On 01/10/2009 17:06, Dave Korn wrote:
   The libstdc++ DLL itself is fine, but there is a back-compat bug in the
support code that implements the ONDEE wrappers in the Cygwin DLL.  I believe
I can fix that with a patch; in the meantime, it should suffice to rebuild
mplayer against up-to-date Cygwin.  The DLLs it links against are not affected
by this problem, so only the actual mplayer package needs a rebuild.
   (I can't say whether or not that also applies to ffmpeg; it might need some
of its DLLs updated as well, or you can hang on until I've got the back-compat
fix in the cygwin dll.)

Do you mean more back-compat fixes are necessary beyond that in the 2009-09-20 snapshot?


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