Fergus wrote:

> The executable is then co-located with cygwin1.dll and together the duo
> provide me with a portable application. (Actually a fast and elaborate
> stats package, amazingly compact with exe + cygwin1.dll ~ 3 MB, and
> fully operable on host machines a million miles from the nearest Cygwin
> installation.)
> Typically they reside at the root of a USB stick, but I noticed the
> reported failure on moving from [1.5] to [1.7]. If I move both files
> down one or more levels (and it doesn't matter what I name the
> subdirectory(ies) whether as \bin\ or \anything\else\) then everything
> works just fine.
> I'm sure you're right, that it's something to do with where cygwin1.dll
> [1.7] expects to find itself (cf. [1.5]) and the "cure" is similarly
> very suggestive of this. I'm dead happy to live with it once I
> understand it, if only approximately.

  Yes, it's absolutely certainly this.  We should probably add a fallback mode
that treats the same directory as the dll is found in as the root when it's
not possible to ascend one level, because I suspect this mode of distribution
won't turn out to be entirely unheard-of.


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