On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 14:01:12 Dave Korn wrote:
> Ehud Karni wrote:
> > On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 21:52:02 Dave Korn wrote:
> >>   That is precisely why I asked for the source, and precisely the 
> >> advantage of
> >> open source over proprietary closed sources :-)
> >
> > I attach a source code for my own (simplified version) treed program
>   Thanks for trying to help, but I'm afraid you just aren't able to fulfill
> someone else's GPL obligations on their behalf; I want the actual source from
> which the actual binary that was distributed to me was compiled.

That's a misunderstanding, I did not intend to rectify the OP GPL violation,
I just wanted to provide a working directory tree listing program.

>   I'm quite curious to see how it uses the "system()" function.

My program does not use system, it uses dir operations and fstat.


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